Saturday 31 December 2022

Chronicles of an ungrateful foreigner: Would Archbishop Desmond Tutu be proud?

On 12 July 2020, about four months after the COVID lockdown in South Africa, I made some predictions about the reasonable possibilities with regard to immigration issues.

See, “Here's what will happen, in no particular order” on Facebook.

My temporary asylum permit was to expire that August (2020) and would not be renewed throughout the state of emergency.

As things stand, on 1 January 2023, I walk around the streets of South Africa, for all intents and purposes an illegal human being in South Africa, perfectly eligible for immediate deportation.

Yes, let all the xenophobic people commence their celebrations!

I’ve been a “victim” of about three police street searches in Johannesburg and Pretoria. To get away from those law enforcers, I’ve had to be very crafty: From straight out lying about where my papers were, to straight out, well, lying about my papers. 

On one of those occasions, I was saved by a taxi driver who paid some bit of money to a police officer in Johannesburg who begged the officer to understand that people were really trying to survive, and detaining them would be destruction of their lives, including the lives of their children.

Oh, there was that time when I had to give my expired documents to a police officer and I had to humbly tell them the truth that I was still trying to renew them. Convincing them was not as easy as the bloody xenophobic souls would love to believe.

Just recently, on 30 December 2022, as my comrades and I made their way from the CPS Summer School held in Mpumalanga (20-30 December 2022), we were the subjects of a random police stop and search operation. I froze all that time, hoping that they wouldn’t enquire about our papers.

It seems to me that, sadly, the South African police know nothing about immigration issues – and the related human rights. They also know nothing about immigrants’ official documents and lives, as well as the complexities thereto.

Oh, just to slightly digress, late 2014 I got a scholarship to study in one good European university, with everything fully funded, and the only thing that kept me away from that scholarship was the lack of a passport.

As the holder of a “temporary asylum seeker” permit in South Africa, I was automatically ineligible for a passport.

I tried all I could to get a passport, and even wrote to then minister of home affairs Malusi Gigaba, but that guy who had naturalised the Guptas didn’t see me rich enough to give me a passport. His response to my letter, a letter crafted by the SACP, was met with a rude response! What an ugly soul!

Okay, so be it then! He’s today a species I hate for the rest of my life.

Oh, enough excursion for today, it’s time for me to review my predictions on the home affairs front, as made in 2020.

Sometime in November 2022, I was a “distinguished” guest at the South African home affairs immigration centre in Pretoria, Marabastad, now known as the Archbishop Desmond Tutu Refugee Reception Centre.

The Desmond Tutu Centre deals with immigration issues.

It’s important to state in this regard that I and my comrades have been asylum seekers in South Africa for the past 12 years.

What this means, in practical terms, is that, though we’ve been in South African soil, we’ve really been on “No Man’s Land” between Swaziland and South Africa for all these years, with no real rights and no prospects of personal growth – unless, of course, we engage in some illegal projects out there.

On 21 November 2022, I was horrified to see fellow working-class people being subjected to horrendous conditions at the Desmond Tutu centre. An old man and a woman literally sleeping on the concrete floor at around 2pm (after queuing from around 4am or 5am) was enough for me to summarise about the inhumane character of the South African immigration system.

By the way, to get attention at the centre, immigrants must ensure to arrive at around 4am! Latest!

Yes, it’s the truth! Or else you might be told to “come back tomorrow”.

I’ve heard many stories of people told to come back the next day and they didn’t even know where they’d be sleeping that night in order to comply with the directive.

Where does the queuing happen? Outside the centre! I’ve witnessed helpless immigrants get robbed as they waited in the queue in the morning before offices opened at 8am. Yes, it seems crazy, but this is what actually happens almost on a daily basis. Those from Bangladesh, Pakistan and other Asian countries often are the worst victims. Sometimes I think that they’re mere slaves who’ve been trafficked and thus have nowhere else to go. Could this be a reality? I don’t know, but then the South African government doesn’t seem to be interested in getting to the bottom of this.

As the year 2023 commences, I’m in the same boat as I was many years back. I’ve just jumped into another new year with a heavy burden of hopelessness on my shoulders.

Many people who don’t take one single step in our lives, we the foreigners, don’t understand our problems. Perhaps they don’t even care.

So, what do such people call us whenever we complain about the inhumane South African home affairs processes? Yes, “ungrateful foreigners!” That’s what they call us! If only they could walk a few steps in our shoes, they would probably appreciate our difficulties.

In 2023 I’ll be making another uneventful trip to the Desmond Tutu Centre. I hope for the best, though hope is lost at this point.

Here’s to 2023!

Tuesday 11 October 2022

Kukhula, kuhamba, kubona

 Uyati uma ubuka kahle, liningi letfu mawungasibuta kutsi sikhulele kuphi, singasangana ngoba sikhulele etindzaweni letinengi kabi. Asikakhuleli nje ekhaya lapho sitelwe khona kuphela.

Ikakhulu ke tsine basemaphandleni, sitikhandza sigcwala live lonkhe ngenca yekwetama kuba dvutane netikolwa.

Mine nje lenye yetindzawo lengikhulele kuto kulapha kaLobamba. Emashibhi ngiwati kahle, nesitolo saMotsa (kumbe Khumalo yini, angisati kahle hle) lebesihlala sigcwele njalo. Lamagwava lalapha eceleni kwase Lobamba National School, eceleni kwalelidamu lebeliseceleni kwemgwaco, ngiwati kahle.

Sengikhumbula labanye bafana bakitsi labasukela buganu butihlalele, babutsela esiswini. Ungatsi ke bebacala kunatsa emaganu. Kwabentani kwemaganu! Ngitsi kwabentani kwemaganu! Yey bangatomshaya goboluphonjwana kanje! Buganu!!!

Lapha enhla eLudzidzini nakhona ngati kahle. Enhla entansi tibutseki nemajobo lasavitsike sengatsi ahashulwe sihogo saSathane! Ngati kahle lapho.

Ngimangale mine kutsi lamajaha ahleli leni lapha emtini webantfu. Basho ke labatiko kutsi bamele kufakwa emasotjeni laba. Manje mine mangibuka letimbambo letomile letiphumele ebaleni bengibese ngiyatibuta kutsi lomshekashekane wemuntfu lona utawuba lisotja lakuphi nje 🙄

Eceleni kwaseLudzidzini bekuneli ground lebhola, kujima khona Tinyosi FC. Ngidlalile ke kaTinyosi kuma Under-14 ikakhulu.

Uyabona masikhuluma ngebantfu labalidlalile lichaza ekukhuliseni badlali, laba beTinyosi nabo bayabalwa kulabo bantfu. Leso sikhatsi ke bekusene Chappies Little League.

Mane lokwangisanganisa kancane kutsi bangifaka kuma Under-14 kantsi vele sengina 14 iminyaka! Ngake ngatibuta kutsi kanjani kutsi bangifake lapha kantsi phela mine angikho ngaphansi kwa 14 – “UNDER FOTINI!”. Angitsi ke mine vele lokweSiNgisi besengikwati nje mbamba, emagama bo “under” besengibati kahle nje kutsi basho kutsini.

Kodvwa ke ngaphindze ngaticinisa ngelekutsi mhlawumbe ngesibhola ligama lelitsi “under” lisho “14 and under”, kuyahlanganiswa nalaba labana 14. Cha, kwawuphotisa ke loko umoya wami.

Lokwabese sekungitfusa mbamba kodvwa kungesikhatsi ngibona kutsi kuwona lama Under-14 kunebadlali labadzala ngisho kunami. Impela ungatsi ngimi ngedvwa lobekamncane lapha. Sonkhe lesikhatsi ngiloku ngitisola kutsi ngicinela bantfwana, kantsi ngimi lomntfwana locinelwako! Kukhona lenhlobo lenekukhulela ngekhatsi, bengitsi tinswane kantsi hhaaa 😱

Ngabasola kakhulu baphatsi beTinyosi ngalesento, kodvwa ngabese angisabasoli kangako mangitsi ngibuka lalamanye emacembu besidlala nawo ngitfola kutsi nakhona vele laba bangetulu kwalo “Under” lobekiwe! Ungatsi nje bekulisiko leligcwele yonkhe ndzawo. Kube bongalandzela lomtsetfo njengoba unjalo, impela botawubatfola bo 10-0 onkhe lalasa!

Ngiyakhumbula ngalelinye lilanga sidlala nalelinye licembu kaChappies, sashayisana ngemilente nalelinye lija. Mosi kwaba ngatsi ngishayiswe sitimela lesishayelwa ngema Gupta amikisa emalahle lamanti ka Eskom, mcwi 🤞🏾

Lalela, mine ngiloku ngiyashumpa lapha phansi, kuphuma umphefumulo, netinyembeti, nekwelifinyelanyana! Mangitsi ngivula liso, ngibona lelija lesishayisene nalo liyajakadvula nje yonkhe inkhundla ngaphandle kwenkinga, impela ungatsi akukenteki lutfo! Yey, uyati ngayibuka lemilente yakhe lengakagcotjiswa, legcwele tikwele teMaths, ngasho ngenhlitiyo ngatsi uyati lapha yini ngatsi sesidlala nebatali 😩😭

KaTinyosi bekakhona nema Under-13. Ngatfuka kakhulu nakhona mangibona kudlala bantfu lengibatiko kahle hle kutsi badzala kunami! Hha, yemadoda 😲

Kodvwa ke ngiyabonga kakhulu kuTinyosi ngelichaza labalidlala emphilweni yami kanye nebafana labanengi.

Ngingakashiyi nje indzaba yaseLudzidzini, bekunetinkhomo talapha eLudzidzini, teluswa madvodza. Mine ke lengakitsi bengati kutsi tinkhomo teluswa bafana, hhayi nje emadvodza lamadzala kutsi onkhe malanga alandzelana netinkhomo. Yebo ke labadzala bebake batitsatse lapha nalapha, nakhona kube sikhashana lesifishane nje uma bangekho bafana, kodvwa intfo yekwelusa lengakitsi vele kwakuyintfo yebafana nje. Noko ke, ngakwemukela loko enhlitiyweni yami njengesifundvo ngemphilo. Bafana lengakitsi kwakubafana, kodvwa bafana eLudzidzini kwakumadvodza! Kwaba sifundvo sami leso!

Kuletinkhomo taseLudzidzini bekunenkhomo lenkhulukati, ungatsi beyimhlophe mangikhumbula kahle. Ligama layo bekungu “Sobhuza”.

Tindzaba ta “Sobhuza” sativa satfuka sonkhe. Kutsiwa “Sobhuza” ndzini akekhutwa, akashaywa. Ngisho la “bafana” bebamelusa bebete lilungelo lekumekhuta noma kumshaya. Awungitjele nje, uyelusa njani inkhomo kodvwa phindze ube bete lilungelo lekuyekhuta 🤔🙄

Kutsiwa uma ngabe “Sobhuza” angene ensimini yakho, wena ungumnikati wensimi bewute lilungelo lekumkhipha. Kufanele uthule nje umbukele, adle ummbila wakho, asutse, atisukele yena masekafuna. Wamsusa, nalo lilahle emhlane!

Nayo ke intfo leyangetfusa mbamba! Angivanga nje kutsi bulima buni intfo lenje! Inkhomo ingene ensimini yakitsi, ngithule nje? Ngiyiyekele?! Hha, yimihlolo!

Ngasho nje kutsi, hhay, lesive sakaLobamba naso silibele nje mbamba, kuhamba bavumelana nebulima lobece kangaka! Ngasho ngenhlitiyo kutsi mine uma ingake seyingene ensimini yakitsi, ngalelo langa ingalati litje lami kutsi limnandzi kanjani malihlala eluphondweni lwemtsakatsi!

Ngake ngahlala phansi nganoma kutsi kuletigodlo letingaka eSwatini engabe bangakhi nje labo “Sobhuza” kuto tonkhe letibaya, labahamba bangena emasimini ebantfu kuthulwe nje sengatsi akukonakali ndzawo!

Ngekukhula kwami ke noko ngihambe ngabona letinye tintfo, lokwabese kwenta kutsi sive sakaLobamba ngibuye ngingasisoli njengoba bengentile phambilini. Ngihambe ngabona kutsi, uyati, ngulelo nalelo khaya linayo inkhomo lekutsiwa yinkhomo yemadloti, lengatsintfwa noma sekwentekeni.

Angati kutsi lelisiko lekuba nenkhomo yemadloti lisukaphi, nekutsi kusita kuphi lokuba nayo, kodvwa nje tinkhomo temadloti tigcwele velonkhe.

Emalanga wona sekahambile solo ngabona “Sobhuza” kwekucala emphilweni yami, kodvwa lamuhla ngiyaye ngitsi ngiyabuka eSwatini ngibone kutsi, ndlela tsite, likhaya nelikhaya linayo inkhomo yemadloti.

Uma ngabe niyangisola, aningetsembi, ngicela nani senitinike sikhatsi, bantfwa baketfu, senibuke likhaya ngelikhaya, onkhe lamakhaya akitsi, nibukisise. Ngiyacinisa, ngiyacinisa, ngitsi nitatibona tinkhomo temadloti. Angeke nidzinge nekutjelwa.

Inkhomo yemadloti ayikhutwa. Wayekhuta, kutfutsa wena lakhaya! Ngisho mbamba! Mine sengibonile, kanengi futsi. Ngibabonile kanengi batfutsa kabuhlungu kabi, isale nje inkhomo yemadloti ijangaza ngaphandle kwenkinga.

Sunday 25 September 2022

Political education? A very violent process that thing!

But by “political education”, many erroneously think of it as a physical class, set at a particular time, for education, where political information is poured into people’s brains, and after that leave and be “free” of political education. They don’t understand that politics is life, and life is politics.

We see, therefore, that political education must happen every minute of every day. The ruling classes always run their own political education every second of every day, planting their own ideologies into children, young people, adults, workers, and so on. Every day! Through the school system, entertainment, sports, advertisement, and other means, the ruling classes conduct their political education (indoctrination, in fact) in order to maintain their position as the rulers. And they would be foolish not to!

But this thing called political education, that is, in this context, revolutionary or liberating political education? A very violent process that thing! 

Picture this. Our child takes their first breath, first steps, and begins noticing things. Our child sees the Sun moving around the Earth. That’s our child’s first education about the relationship between the Sun and the Earth. Thus far, our child’s eyes have independently given this information to our child, and our child is happy to observe all that.

In their mind, our child creates so many beautiful fantasies about this lovely rise of the Sun from the mountains all the way till it goes down into the mountains on the other side, and down under our child’s perfectly flat Earth, a process called “night”. At this point, our child has seemingly eternal peace. Life could never be more perfect. 

But, somehow, some people start telling our child that the peace they’ve been enjoying has been based on ignorance: that, in fact, it’s the Earth that moves around the Sun and not vice-versa. This literally rips apart everything our child held dear for a long time, and they can never be the same again.

No human being ever accepts this new information so easily. Resistance is the first reasonable option. Violent resistance! Galileo Galilei is my witness! He tried teaching our child this thing, and he learned…

Political education? A very violent process that thing!

Our violated child later learns that, in fact, there are other planets, and they also orbit the Sun. As such, not everything that shines “up in the sky” is in fact a star. Our child’s Earth, therefore, is not the sole recipient of the Sun’s warmth and light – and gravity. Earth’s Monopoly is dead! This is another violation. 

Political education? A very violent process that thing!

With growth, comes acceptance. Our child now understands “fully” that all the planets in the Solar System orbit the Sun, and the Sun is the only stationary object. Perfect! Finally, some peace! 

But political education? A very violent process that thing!

When confronted with scientific material, people who wish to show off their “smartness” tend to start their arguments with “My Biology tells me that…”, “My Geography tells me that…”, etc. A very lazy approach to debates. Nonetheless, let’s attempt to follow the approach of these people who boast about their Grade 7 First Class With Merit certificates! 

See, if your knowledge on the Solar System ends in 2005, your big song is “My Very Educated Mother Just Showed Us Nine Planets”! But after 2006, that “hit” song of yours is outdated, because there are no longer nine planets in the Solar System. As such, your “My Geography tells me that” statement is unhelpful in 2022. Specifically, after August 2006!

Political education? A very violent process that thing! 

Oh, did we say that the Sun is stationary? There’s about to be some more violence! As the learning process continues, our grown-up child begins to learn that the Sun is also moving, along with the planets, within the Milky Way Galaxy, a much bigger entity, the Solar System being merely a tiny little dot in comparison.

See how our child has grown from a place of peaceful ignorance and splendid illusions to a violent place of continuous knowledge? 

And I keep saying…

Political education? A violent process that thing!

And finally, finally, finally, some peace! Peace, because our fully grown-up child understands that 1) Earth and the planets orbit the Sun in the Solar System, 2) the Earth is not the only body in the Solar System, and 3) the Solar System also orbits the galactic centre, that is the centre of the Milky Way Galaxy. 

Did we say that the planets orbit the Sun? Oh, yes, that’s what we said. But, upon further scrutiny on this subject, more details come to the fore. We discover that the planets, in fact, are NOT orbiting the Sun. This must be repeated: The planets, and all the bodies within the Solar System, do NOT orbit the Sun!

Alright, this is getting more unsettling! But, as we have already seen many times, as illustrated above, 

Political education? A very violent process that thing!