Friday 24 April 2015

Swaziland National Union of Students condemns xenophobic attacks

24 April 2015

The Swaziland National Union of Students condemns the on-going xenophobic attacks on foreign African nationals in our neighbouring Republic of South Africa. We are an organization that believes in non-violence and we have continuously re-affirmed our stand on robustly engaging issues through debates and dialogue, most of all we always emphasize on constantly displaying the spirit of Ubuntu.

We will always rebuke inflicting pain and worst of all initiating death to a fellow human because of his or her age, nationality, political affiliation, creed, and so on. We view xenophobia to be extreme vindication a fellow African expects from another. In fact we perceive xenophobia barbarism at its worst, it is for that reason we believe that the on-going attacks on foreign nationals in South African soil shall cease.

However we are not saying just because we are human beings and most of all Africans, the Republic of South Africa shall carry the burden of African government’s failure to stabilize their socio-economic environments. The Republic of South Africa should not be a cache of other government’s failure; however as a well-established and a better developed country in the African continent in terms of socio-economic development it should complement other government’s efforts.

Large quantities of our parents working in South African mines would not be predisposed to xenophobic attacks if the Swazi Government has made the conditions reasonable for investors or itself to mine in Dvokolwako Diamond and Bulembu Mines. Large quantities of our brothers and sisters would not be doing matriculation or would have not enrolled in South African universities if our education in the country was relevant to the demands of the ever developing world; that is shaping our education system not to be bias to the ruling elite but aims at transforming not only the country’s economic development but also the manner in which a Swazi child conceptualize ideas. Our fellow Swazis would not be in suspense of what is going to happen to a family member due for an appointment with an oncologist in a South African Hospital if we had quality health team members and an effective health system. Highly qualified Swazis would not be in danger of xenophobia if our Government had a respect for workers, if workers’ rights were not violated in Swaziland, if our parents were not underpaid.

We would not have to worry about the safety of our exiled former student leaders if our government had respected our freedom of expression, freedom of speech, right to education and if our Government believes in constructive criticism; tolerate dissenting views. Our student leader, former UNISWA president Pius Vilakati would be still in the borders with his life uncompromised, if our government had provided quality and free education for all.

SNUS condemns xenophobia in every way possible, it also calls for the Swazi Government, other African countries and the rest of the world to take a look at the bigger picture of what perpetuates xenophobia.

Viva to the spirit of Ubuntu Viva!!!

Issued by: Swaziland National Union of Students
Dlamini Thembelihle - SNUS Secretary General

 Mobile: +26876378709

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