Friday 15 August 2014

Trust and Betrayal

(By Pius Vilakati, writing as Mr Pius Rinto)

It takes a very long time to build trust, but only one small stupid act to destroy completely. Once trust is destroyed it is impossible to rebuild to the point in which it was before. 

For lovers, the ultimate act of betrayal, I suppose, is cheating. When you have cheated on your lover and your lover has forgiven you for it, you must not be then act surprised when your lover doesn't see you the way she/he used to see you before the betrayal. The fact is that, notwithstanding that one act of betrayal, however small, the cheating will always be in your lover's mind for the rest of her/his life. Some days it'll be intense and some days will be mild, but it will be there. People who've cheated and got caught should never, therefore, expect that they'll in future be called the nice names and receive the warmest cuddling they used to get before the betrayal. It is absurd for a cheater to expect that her/his partner will continue with the purest excitement they exhibited before the cheating.

Hence when someone has cheated and got caught they have two choices;

1.    Stay in the relationship and live the rest of your life with the knowledge that your partner doesn't trust or love you the same way she/he used to, OR

2.    Leave the relationship and start a new one with someone you've never betrayed, someone who'll obviously have 'better' trust for you than the one you betrayed. 

For comrades, the ultimate act of betrayal is when one starts to sleep with the enemy, that is, the oppressor. It has been mentioned before that there is no prison for traitors. Hence they're usually, and should in fact be, killed when caught. Failure to do such risks the whole movement being delivered to the hands of the enemy where it shall be destroyed. Hence, comrades who've been caught working for the enemy must simply request that particular enemy to help move them far away, safe from their former comrades. 

I end with a warning that if you've betrayed someone or people, you should never expect that things will be as they were before the betrayal, no matter the amount of apologies and no matter the depth of the forgiveness.

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