Monday 8 August 2016

From being destroyed by colonialism to being destroyed by royal family…

When the colonisers came to Southern Africa, they taught the natives to forgive their enemies throw away their weapons and forget about earthly things but only focus on what awaits them after death. The natives did all these, but the colonisers did none such. Instead they took all the earthly possessions that the natives previously possessed and protected them by their colonialist laws.

Then the Swazi royal elites told the Swazi population that in order to inherit heavenly life, they should reject the indilinga (money) that was coming with the whites but only take the umculu (bible) they were coming with. The population did that, but the royal elites did the opposite. They focused on taking possession of indilinga and only used umculu to justify why only them have the right to possession of indilinga. They taught that the first divine duty of the indilingaless population is to pray for more blessings to be showered upon the indilinga possessors, the royal elites.

Today the ruling royal elite tell the poor population to go and register their complaints with the ruling royal regime. It is a known practice of shutting down a disgruntled nation. Another force has come into the picture in helping beef up the docility of the population; the elites in the mass democratic movement! They never prepare the masses for war, but they prepare them to be more docile and respectful to the humiliation meted by the royal regime upon them. They don't teach defiance, they teach compliance! They don't teach revolution, they teach ass-licking. They're all part of the rot! The rot continues!

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